Directory of Opticians

Only licensed professionals may fit and dispense eyeglasses, contact lenses, and subnormal vision devices under Alberta law. When looking for an optician it is important to verify that they are registered with the College. Registered Opticians (RO) and Registered Contact Lens Practitioners (RCLP) are highly trained and committed to providing Albertans with safe, competent, and ethical care.

Use the search feature below to find an RO or RCLP in your community.

You are viewing this registration and licensure status in “real time”. COA members, for a variety of reasons, may change or have their status changed throughout the year. The COA advises Managers, Employers and Members of the Public to refer to the COA Public Registry on a frequent basis.

By using the directory of opticians, you agree to the Terms and Conditions below. If you have any questions on the result, please send an email to or call to 780-429-2694 and 1-800-263-6026

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